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Artist: Shawn Ashman

Floral Enchantments - Prints Only

Floral Enchantments - Prints Only

Regular price $225.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $225.00 USD
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Title: Floral Enchantment
Size: 20" x 20 "
Medium:  Prints on Canvas

Floral Enchantment tells the story of a woman whose inner essence is intertwined with the natural world. Covered in vibrant flowers, she embodies the beauty and vitality of nature. As viewers gaze upon the painting, they are drawn into a world where the boundary between humanity and the environment blurs, reminding us of the profound connection between ourselves and the world around us. Through this captivating artwork, viewers are invited to reflect on the transformative power of nature and the intrinsic beauty found within each of us.

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